Join The Cigar Deals Club
Most cigar sales don’t last long. Some are over in a week or less. Others are for limited stock that sells out quickly. As a member of the Cigar Deals Club, (membership is, of course, free) you’ll be notified of offers before we post them on the site, giving you the first shot at them. Some offers are only be available to members via email. Each week we’ll send you 1-3 announcements, each containing an incredible deal. Or two.
We hate spam as much as you, and will never share your email address with anyone else. If you ever change your mind, each email contains a one-click opt out link.
Your welcome email will contain an exclusive link to more than 150 special offers, from one of the best dealers on the planet. You’ll save 50% – 79% on premium cigars, casual smokes, samplers, full boxes, closeouts, humidors, and accessories. This limited-time link is only available when you join the Cigar Deals Club.
Sign up now, and start getting more cigars for less money.