
Every week, dozens of on-line cigar stores offer thousands of cigar deals. If you enjoy hunting through them to get the most out of your cigar budget, great – have a blast. But if you’d rather find deals without hunting for that stogie in a haystack, you’ve found the right place.

We’re not talking 30% off on some stale dog rockets you’ve never heard of before. Premium cigars at 20% off make us yawn. Getting a free sampler when you spend $100+ on a box is nice, but not worth bothering you about. We spend our time combing through dozens of sites looking for amazing, jaw dropping deals you might have otherwise missed. Specials that will make you dive for your mouse as you say, “Wow, I’ve got to go grab that right now!”

Each week we’ll let you know about just a few offers, deals we find that are truly outstanding. Our offers include premium cigars, mid-range humidor fillers, and accessories to enhance your smoking pleasure.

Checking this site once a week is good. Joining The Cigar Deals Club is better. That way you’ll never miss a limited time offer, or a deal for limited stock.

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